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Movement joints waterproofing

All buildings undergo deformation, which often occurs on the score of rock sagging unevenness, underground waters, temperature fluctuation or seismic activity. The list of reasons can be continued till infinity. To avoid this destructing influences on supporting and fence structures, movement joints wateproofing is held, it weakens the deformating loads on the construction exactly in areas, which undergo the risks and helps to make these undesirable influences minimal. Influence of different factors can adversely affect the whole durability of the construction, even cracks may appear in the material, which perceptibly weakens the nominal load capacity, malfunction of waterproofing. Because of the serious loads, undesireable changes, influence of the agressive enviornment, installation of control joints is necessary. The statistic of buildings which underwent strong deformation is rather poor : it is much more safe to use the required materials for waterproofing than to hold the repair of building. There are few main methods of waterproofing which depend on the complexe of factors, the width of weld and strength of possible loads and deformations are also very important.
Installation such a material as gasket in control joint, it is worth taking into account a number of characteristics such as tension and pressure, dispacements in different directions, so it is reasonable to use different types of gaskets. As well as, for example, plastic fillet, waterproofing becomes an absolutely importnat procedure. You can seriously save on further repair of the building through laying of foundation and installation of the control joint. Our production is absolutely safe for the enviornment. It is extremely easy in installation. Expanded polysteryl fill the joint. Thanks to producing on our own factory, we are ready to offer gaskets under the most pleasant prices. You will always be able to get the qualified advice according to waterproofing gaskets or any other article shown on this web site.

Watrproofing of movement joints is important during building of further constructions:

Monolithic swimming pools

Monolithic buildings

Monolithic foundations

Waterproofing of final welds

Waterproofing of movement joints

Control joint

Besides that, gaskets are oftenly used through building of bridges, roads, locks, dams.

How to use waterproofing tapes through waterproofing of final welds and movement joints




Gaskets produced from plasticized PVC can easily be welded, as opposed to articles made of rubber.

Methods of welding


Methods of welding


Methods of welding


Methods of welding

Catalog   (zip; 12,4Мb; 15.10.2004)

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