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Make an order on producing PVC profile.

Plastic plinth of different types and colours-always on the sale

About PVC

Polyvinylchloride (PVC) – one of the first artificial materials, worked out by humanity, discovered in 1835. In 1912 scientists were involved into exploring opportunities of producing PVC industrially, and in 1931 concern, named "BASF", produced the first consignment of PVC
Polyvinylcloride belongs to the group of thermoplastic. Clean PVC is a powder, consisting of ethylene and chlore of 43% and 57%  each. Pigments, stabilizers, plastisizers are included into composition for producing specialized profiles.
The material is characterized by high mechanical strength and moisture resistance, excellent electrical insulating properties, high chemical resistant: resistant to gasoline and kerosene, are highly resistant to the effects of alkalis and acids, have a pleasant exterior. PVC is easy to cut and form .
Polyvinylcloride (PVC) - universal thermoplastical polymer, derived by suspension polymerization of vinyl chloride

 Pvc produces a wide assortment of products and materials for various branches of industry.

Hard PVC

Hard PVC is one of the best materials for producing specialized profiles.It has a good weather resistance, moderate strength and refers to self extinguishing materials. Hard PVC is the most inexpensive of structural plastics with similar characteristics. Hard plastic has a satisfactory painting ability, the product's surface is matte or glossy. Has a high long-term durability, high modulus of elasticity (up to 3000-3500 Mpa) at normal temperatures, resistant to organic and inorganic acids, alkalis and oxidising agents, aliphatic hydrocarbons. Introduction in the composition of shock-resistant allow the use of the product in terms of the impact of atmospheric factors, UV-radiation and low temperatures. There are transparent composition, suitable for the production of transparent panels, sheets, tubes and profiles. Transparency - up to 70-75%. Hard combustible plastic does not support combustion. Used in the construction, electrical industry, machine-building for production of a variety of complex profiles, window profiles, sidings, cladding panels, cable channels, etc.). Is widely used for the production of blended products by the method of co-extruders together with plasticized PVC.

Foamed PVC

Foamed PVC is used in processing of the composition of the hard foam-PVC. Unlike non-foamed PVC it has less strength at break (20-25 Mpa) and modulus (1000-1250 Mpa), greater relative elongation (25-40%). Chemical resistance and weather resistance is similar with hard PVC. For the production of profile products there are applied compositions with the use of chemical foamer . The composition consists of  of polymer-base (suspension or mass PVC), a foaming agent, modifying additives that improve the technological and mechanical properties of the material, stabilizers, activators, lubricants, fillers and pigments. Foamed PVC is used for the production of decorative-finishing of profiles (skirting boards, plates, carpetholders, walls and furniture boxes, panels, etc.). Products from foam-PVC easily handled by mechanical methods (drilling, turning, etc.). Connected by gluing, with the help of nails, screws, brackets.

Soft PVC

Soft PVC - it is one of the most common materials for extrusion profile products. The composition contains also other additives - plasticizers. Depending on the composition and content of the plasticizer mechanical properties vary within a wide range - from the very flexible to semi-rigid materials. Well painted, the colour depends on the composition of the mixture and the type of dye. Specialized compositions can be transparent (for the manufacture of products of medical and technical purpose). The surface of a product is matte or high gloss finish. Hardly inflamable plastic. Is used for production of finishing, decorative sealing profiles of various cross-section. Is widely used in combination with the rigid PVC in co-extrusion products.


In conclusion, we would like to note the following:

PVC is the new material, a child of the twentieth century. The favorite material for architects, designers and pragmatists. Does not support combustion, is not afraid of water and cold. In addition, for indicators of thermal and sound insulation has the highest indicators. At least half of the european construction and repair of the market, presence in all climatic zones- and this is called the "popularity ".

Among other advantages: the record of color diversity also belongs to the products of PVC. Technology of production allows to give to a product the most bizarre form.

We hope, that this information will be useful for you!

Belti - Интернет агентство полного цикла